Welcome to Public Hearts Defib Campaign 5th Birthday Celebration Newsletter
Firstly, thank you!
As part of the Defib Family, you and your location play a vital part in providing public access to your life-saving defibrillator in a medical emergency.
Our not-for-profit community defibrillator campaign, Public Hearts is celebrating its 5th birthday and as we near the festive period,
it’s more important than ever to make sure that all our 66 public access defibrillators are emergency ready.
How you can help:
The Circuit Guardians, please check your defibrillator by opening the cabinet to confirm it’s rescue ready.
Clean the cabinet and update your check on The Circuit and update Public Hearts HQ
Any queries, unsure? Please call us on 01242 371 999 and we’ll talk you through it.
Spread the word:
The more awareness & numbers of publicly accessible defibrillators we can raise, the better.
With 30,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests in the UK and a survival rate of 3-7%, we can all do something to help.
Here’s our Public Hearts Defib Hub to add to your website/email footer, share in a social media post to help raise awareness and ultimately increase the confidence to act when moments matter. https://linktr.ee/publichearts
Did You Know?
Public Hearts Defibrillator Campaign is a not-for-profit community organisation, not a charity so everyone can share and collaborate together.
So many of our local services all support the vulnerable, so we’re sharing the same message of helping others.
Want to get more involved?
Public Hearts is looking for a couple of town centre defib Guardians to check the defibs regularly. All dog walkers and joggers are welcome!
Useful contacts
Public Hearts Defib Campaign HQ 01242 371 999
Public Hearts Defib Hub https://linktr.ee/publichearts
The Circuit the UK NHS Defib Network https://www.thecircuit.uk/
DefibFinder for non-emergency defib locations throughout the UK https://www.defibfinder.uk/
///what3words – https://what3words.com/
Please share and support us in raising awareness and numbers of local public access defibrillators,
Public Hearts social media links :
Raising awareness and numbers of lifesaving public access defibrillators in our area,
Public Hearts Defib Campaign